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Science games and activities for kids
Busy Things has a wide range of educational science games and resources to help your early years and primary children develop an informed and inquisitive mind!
Our Early Years science games will help develop your children’s observation skills and get them talking about their world and the plants and creatures that live in it.
Activities for older children include labelling and categorising objects, plants and animals to reinforce their knowledge and understanding of the world around them. They can use our templates, drawing tools, and clipart to write about and illustrate their observations. All of our science games are designed according to the school curriculum, so you can be sure that it’s helping to develop and support the scientific skills they’re learning in the classroom.
Busy Things for Families can accessed on a computer, phone or tablet, and up to five different family members can play using just one subscription. You’ll also get access to hundreds of other fun educational games and activities, including english and phonics, maths, geography, and art and music games.
Science Games for ages 3 to 5
Busy Things for Families has a wide range of educational science games for kids that will help you to instil curiosity in your children. We have lots of scientific topics to choose from, all of which are mapped onto the Early Years curriculum your little ones are discovering at school.
There’s a huge assortment of exciting educational games, interactive worksheets, and colouring and drawing projects that will get them naming common flowers, fruit and vegetables. Our labelling games will help teach them the biology of plants and animals, while our interactive worksheets will teach them about the life cycles of butterflies and frogs. Kids will have great fun colouring images of flowers, insects and sea creatures, and even creating their own imaginary animals!

Busy Things includes a wide selection of games and activities to help very young children explore the world around them.
Science games for 5 to 7 year olds
At this stage, your children will begin laying the foundations for a more detailed and systematic understanding of the natural world, and starting to make careful observations of their own. Busy Things has lots of science activities for kids that will help them do just this.
There’s lots of games and project templates that will get your children to identify common plants, insects, birds, reptiles, amphibians and quadrupeds. You’ll find games and activities to help them label the parts of plants and of the human body, map life cycles, and place animals in their habitats and say what they eat. We even have interactive worksheets to show them how to identify seasonal changes and to create weather maps.

Children can explore, animals and their habitats, plants and the environment, the human body and more!
There are also science games and resources to get them to think about the properties of the materials which common objects are made from. Or, give your kids their first taste of research with our graph-making tool, which will let them display the results of a population count.
Science games for ages 7 to 11
Busy Things resources will help your children deepen and widen the scope of their science knowledge. The interactive worksheets, project templates, and educational science games and tools will continue to support your child’s study of plants, animals, the natural environment and the uses of materials.
New science activities have also been introduced for your older children: more on rainforests and the polar regions, as well as the human body (including the teeth, the skeleton and muscles, and the respiratory, circulating and digestive systems). Budding physicists will love our new collection of writing projects and fact files on the solar system. To help encourage independent study, there’s also a graph-making tool to demonstrate alternative visual representations of data sets they collect as part of their own research.

Older children can study a wide range of scientific topics including space and the human digestive system.

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Of course! You can start exploring our science activities for kids today with our FREE 7-day trial — all you need to do is fill in this form. You’re under no obligation to purchase a full subscription, and you won’t need to provide your payment details, either.
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