Tag: history

Key Stage 2 History: Teaching about the Romans

Key Stage 2 History: Teaching about the Romans

The Roman Empire was a fascinating civilisation, that quite rightly features within the Key Stage 2 history curriculum. In our blog, we look at some of comprehensive and well-researched activities on Busy Things that support the topic area.

Victorian History: Did you know…?

Victorian History: Did you know…?

History may not immediately come to mind when you think about Busy Things, but its history area is well populated, with timelines as well as information-rich activities. In this blog, we look at some activities on the Victorians (and their comprehensive guidance notes) to uncover 5 fun facts.



We’ve added some new Viking activities to our history section over the summer. In this blog, we discuss their contents and how they will really help your students understand what life was like under Danelaw.