FREE Wellbeing Resources for Schools

FREE Wellbeing Resources for Schools

Children’s Mental Health Week takes place between 5th-11th February this year. Its theme is “My Voice Matters” and to coincide with the event, we’re relaunching our free, updated Wellbeing activity pack.

It includes wellbeing resources for primary schools to help support pupils’ mental health. And is a pack you, as a teacher, can dip into whenever you feel a child is struggling, or use class-wide to promote general positive mental health.

What’s in the Wellbeing topical pack?

The pack includes:

  • a fact sheet about wellbeing
  • an explanation of the ‘5 Ways to Wellbeing’
  • a feelings chart
  • an activity to help your pupils think about their feelings
  • mindful colouring-in templates
  • an information sharing activity
  • an acts of kindness tracker

Download it free here!

How can Busy Things support your pupils’ wellbeing?

As well as the special Wellbeing topical pack, we have several activities on Busy Things thatpromote good wellbeing and encourage children to share their opinions. These include:

Choices graphs

Graph showing the class' favourite sports

Show your pupils that their opinions really do matter by giving them a choice that they may not usually have.

This could be allowing them to choose the sport they play in a particular PE lesson, or allowing them to choose if they work independently, in groups or as a class on an element of topic work.

All you need to do is to collate their votes using our Our favourite sports activity or Busy graph maker and see which choice wins!

NOTE: Watch this video to understand the potential within Busy graph maker.

‘Eco worm world’ picture projects

Screenshot from Eco worm world

Through ‘Eco worm world’, the children can understand what the worms need to stay happy and healthy.

Taking the learnings from the activity, can the children think about their own needs? Do they need more physical things to be happy and healthy? What do they need emotionally?

Calming activities

Screenshot from Pretty Things: Busy blocks

Many of the activities on Busy Things are calming in themselves, so some children may like to play them to reground themselves.

Some we would suggest are below:
– Animal maze
Pretty Things: Busy blocks (right)
– Bubbles – Expressions

They also help children, who may be insecure about their abilities, gain in confidence as even novices can quickly get exciting results.


We hope this blog has given you some ideas about how you can monitor your pupils’ mental health and promote good wellbeing in your class.

As part of this blog, we’ve included several of our activities to play for free. These are: our Wellbeing topical pack (free to download above), Busy graph maker and Pretty Things: Busy blocks.

Want to see more activities?

If you’d like to see more of our activities, we’d love you to take out a free 28-day trial with us! Simply click here for this. You’re more than welcome to have a virtual tour via Zoom too. If you’d like one, contact us here and we’ll get in touch!

This blog was revised and updated in January 2024.

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